Improve environment of farms and disease resistance
High concentration probiotics
Prevent diseases and pollutions
Each kg contains
• Bacillus Subtilis----------------------- more than 1 X 1010 cfu
• Lactobacillus Acidophilus------------ more than 1 X 1010 cfu
• Saccharomyces Cerevisiae ----------- more than 1 X 1010 cfu
• Niacin ---------------------------------------- more than 0.1%
- Improve growth performance and feed efficiency.
- Improve bioavailability.
- Improve gut health.
- Improve disease resistance.
- prevent gastrointestinal disease pf calves.
- Improve quality of milk and milk production.
- Improve environment of farms and reduce ammonia gas.
- Increase hatch rate and quality of eggs.
Administer 1-3kg per 1 MT of feed.
5 kg
Store in a dry and dark place between 1℃ and 30℃
12 months from the date of manufacture
This product is authorized to use in livestock only